Brand view


Brand view / Photo: Frank Richter

The Brand is located right in the forest, about 170 meters above Polenz valley in the north of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. The famous Brand view, about 3 km from the town of Hohnstein, is also referred to as “the balcony of Saxon Switzerland”. At an altitude of 317 m above sea level, visitors can enjoy a panorama view of unforgettable beauty, the view reaches from the Bastei to the Schrammsteine ​​as well as to the Ore Mountains and Bohemian mountains. Visit the National Park information center at the Brand log cabin.

Getting there:

  • Basteikraxler (go without haste from Bad Schandau to Hohnstein and hike to the Brand)
  • With the National Park Rail U 28 on the line Děčin – Bad Schandau – Sebnitz – Rumburk to the stop Kohlmühle or on the S-Bahn to Rathen, then hike to the Brand.
  • Bus
  • By car you can drive right up to Hohnstein. There is limited parking right in front of the Hohnstein castle.

Information and accommodation are available at:
Gästeamt Hohnstein
Rathausstrasse 10
01848 Hohnstein
Tel: 03 59 75/8 68 13, Fax: 03 59 75/8 68 10


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