Places of interest

So many possibilities! A short visit will be just as much worth it as a passionate hiking tour. For first guidance you can access an interactive overview map here. Destination advice wanted? The online tour-finder of the Saxon Switzerland Tourist Board provides route suggestions with maps for printing. And if you want to get to know this landscape in even more detail: For versatile, guided walks see the events section (section only available in German). We offer:

  • individual walks with certified national park guides also in English
  • frequent walks from April to October each year with certified national park guides and
  • special tours and field trips on various topics in the National Park with staff from the National Park Authority
  • current information in our calendar of events

Lilienstein und Gamrig


The following table shows some destination suggestions.

Saxon Switzerland ­­­
National Park
Bohemian Switzerland 
National Park (Narodní park Ceské Švýcarsko)
Saxon Switzerland National Park Region
(Part Conservation Area)
Elbe Sandstone Conservation Area
(CHKO Labské pískovce)

1. Bastei view

2. Brand view

3. Lilienstein

4. Amselgrund

5. Waitzdorfer Höhe

6. Schrammsteine

7. Kuhstall

8. Königsplatz

9. Upper Watergate

10. Winterberg

11. Edmundsklamm (Edmundova souteska)

12. Prebischtor (Pravčická brána)

13. Panoramaweg bei Jetřichovice (Dittersbach

14. Rosenberg (Růžový vrch)

15. Kreibitz (Chřibská)

16. The Pfaffenstein mesa

17. Festung Königstein

18. Kaiserkrone und Zirkelstein

19. The Zschirnsteine

20. Bielatal

21. Labyrinth Langenhennersdorf

22. Hoher Schneeberg (Děčínský Snìžník)

23. Tyssa (Tisá)

24. Berggasthaus Belvedere

25. Rosenkamm-Aussicht (Růžový hřeben)

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